Uneducated Whites

Throughout this past election season I have heard this constant term, associated with Trump voters, uneducated whites. He is popular with uneducated whites, usually said with a hint of derision. Uneducated whites, what does that mean? I will explain it in its usage and in reality. Also termed, non-college educated whites. But, as an “educated” white, frankly, it makes me angry and it should you too.

As my dear reader surely knows, the uneducated means, does not have a university degree. But it is not as simple as that. It has the sub context of working class. Even though, Bill Gates dropped out of college. Along with Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, Steve Jobs, Dave Thomas, etc etc etc ad nauseam. But we won’t discuss these people, especially since many are on the “left which is right” side of the political spectrum endorsing such great things as, ……whatever sounds good at the moment.

In a continuation of the sub context is the sense of educated being better. Not only economically but morally. As in its morally superior for a person to vote or support this political agenda over this one because, God? No, because right versus wrong? No, because university that’s why. How does a university entrench and make sacrosanct a persons morals? Is it the focus of a liberal arts education on Greek philosophy as the birthplace of democracy and all its glory? Maybe. Actually read Aristotle sometime, I think you’ll find his morals a little lacking. No, it really goes back to economics and a perception that if you make more money then it makes you morally right. A level above everyone else. Whether real or not. Which goes a long way to explain why the successful people named earlier are not thought of as the uneducated whites. Because they have money. Might makes right.

But uneducated? Can these uneducated voters read? Yes, they are not illiterate. Can they do simple math and perform basic reasoning? Yes, so what then is the difference between a university degree and not? Here is a personal note that exemplifies the situation nicely.

I took Theater Appreciation in university. It was taught by a 40ish woman with dyed purple streaks in her hair. Who, in her introduction lecture told us about the 3 day festival the Greeks had to the god Dionysus. The god of love and wine. Love and wine? LOVE and  WINE!!! And me being the consummate x-infantry soldier I was, raised my hand insistently until called upon to excitedly ask. ” You mean to tell me, the Greeks had a 3 day party to celebrate sex and booze?” To which I was shouted at “NO, it was LOVE and WINE!” Huh, it’s all a matter of presentation, not reality. I didn’t get a good grade in that class, I wonder why.

What the reality of uneducated white means is not completely brainwashed. You have not been institutionally convinced that all their theory’s on how the world is to be presented, is the end all be all of existence as we know it. Because you have not been “educated”, you hold onto a religiously based sense of right and wrong. A morality that conflicts with their sense of niceness. You are holding a tool, a flashlight that pierces the darkness of words and theory’s to see the reality of what is present. If you show that you see what is going on, you are labeled “uneducated”, among the nicest terms they have for you.

I really want to return my degree, but I spent too much time and money to get that ridiculous piece of paper that has yet to increase my pay grade. I think, actually I hope we will progress as a society at some point to see a person for the intelligence they have and not the piece of paper. I got a degree to prove to people that I was intelligent, that I was somebody, I think in the end I proved my own stupidity to waste my time and money to learn nothing, just to have some diploma to parade around.

I am not very religious and not a church goer. I was raised going 4 times a week to church but have not been since I was 18. There was too much hypocrisy to it. Though the hypocrisy of church in no way, shape, or form compares to the hypocrisy of the left in the US. It would be like comparing a pebble to a mountain. The older I get the more I see the value of Christianity. It provides people a moral base and principles that come from the divine and not government.

The best explanation I have and the key to me noticing the difference between a university educated mind and an “uneducated” religiously based mind is the 2008 financial crisis. Which occurred just after I received my degree. I had been living in Charlotte as opposed to the rural town 60 miles outside of it that I had grown up in.I was not happy about the bailouts. I heard across the news channels, all the talking heads saying how great it was. I even heard one of my professors on talk radio saying how great everything they were doing was.

I went to some of my friends and classmates who also had business degrees. They just repeated the chorus of everything being alright and that “they” know whats best. I even tried asking my friends with accounting degrees, who work at some of the big banking institutions, how fractional reserve banking effects the balance sheet specifically on home foreclosures. They did not know.And this is the craziest thing. THEY DON’T KNOW! The people with degrees in this country do not know, cannot formulate rational fact based arguments as to why something is the way it is. They only regurgitate what they have been told, without any reasoning or questioning. This does not make you intelligent. It makes you a parrot. That is the absence of intelligence.

But when I went to my hometown and asked around, people were outright angry, because it was morally wrong. None could have a conversation about a CDO. Most couldn’t tell you what AIG was. But the basic fact, based on a moral, was that it was wrong to take from one group of people to give to people who failed. Much less that those people who failed were rich.

So whenever these people say “uneducated whites” on the news, know they are looking down on you. Like the cool kids in high school, and then wondering why you don’t want to be like them. Well, you, I , do not. Because they are wrong, mean, little people, with no brains, on the verge of being subhuman and their attempt to belittle you should be a badge of honor. Yes, you are not university educated. You still have a mind, a soul, and the basic reasoning of right and wrong no matter how many educated people tell you differently.
